Rotor Transition Program
Voted #1 in Rotor Transition
Over 600 Rotor Transition Pilots Trained Since 2017

Rotor Transition Complete!!!

Ryan Harmer RTP completed in 3 months!!

Justin Horton testimonial

Nick Ringo RTP

Our In-House Advantage...
SkyWarrior Aircraft Maintenance
SkyWarrior Aircraft Maintenance employees over 20 staff and A&P/IA mechanics in support of our flight school and general aviation community, this means more flying and less downtime for students.
SkyWarrior Avionics
SkyWarrior Avionics is an FAA approved 145 repair station which is authorized to repair all of our current fleet and most general aviation aircraft. Similar to maintenance, our in house techincas handle any line items or major install of our aircraft which means you will spend more time
SkyWarrior ATP/CTP
SkyWarrior is one of only two FAA 141 Flight Schools approved to offer the ATP/CTP course. While attending the SkyWarrior RTP program you have the option of attending our ATP/CTP course. This is a huge advantage, students can attend class during the day and fly in the afternoon, essentially "double dipping" the RTP program. This will save you time and money, and upon completion of the course you may take the ATM written test at our facility. SkyWarrior students who complete the RTP program will have everything they need when the arrive for first officer training.
In Short
SkyWarrior is a "ONE STOP RTP SHOP". While you may have options to train at other schools, specfically closer to home, you may greatly increase your time to train, which usually means you will increase your budget, if your local school is not properly equipped to handle the training schedule. Currently our students who need all ratings and ATP/CTP are completing in 90 days or less. Time is truly money and we have the experince to minimize your time in the RTP program.